Top songs on the Minnesota Sound Playlist.
Bad Bad Hats “Detroit Basketball”
Like kicking rocks down the street, “Detroit Basketball” is a summer vibe. Its dynamic production and catchy lyricism kept me replaying the track over and over. Highly recommend listening to this song on your morning commute for an extra pick-me-up!
Tarantula Girl “American Fever Dream”
Tarantula Girl’s “American Fever Dream” is interesting and compelling. The unique vocal effects keep the song fresh, even after replaying the song multiple times. Its emotion, energy, and imagery make it stand out in our playlist.
DJLOW, K.Raydio, Why Khaliq “Way Up”
DJLOW, K. Raydio, and Why Khaliq’s “Way Up” is extremely catchy and cohesive. As lyrics reflect the artist’s rise to the top, listeners are exposed to a heavy-hitting hip hop instrumental. The contrast in melodic vocal performances keeps the song engaging and exciting.
The Negatrons “No Place I’d Rather Be”
The Negatron’s “No Place I’d Rather Be” is melancholy and would fit extremely well into your easy listening playlist. The progressive guitar melody is also positive and uplifting. I would love to hear this production live!
Amanda Grace “So Long Friend”
“So Long Friend” is touching and candid. The song’s softness and sincerity is extremely memorable. The soft guitar partnered with the soothing vocals also creates a relaxing mood. If you like to listen to music before bed, this song is for you!
Ryann Daisy Swimmer “ascend | engulf”
“Ascend|engulf” is 17 minutes of mediation and reflection. The track’s soundscape is immersive and unique and varies in intensity throughout. This track would be perfect to listen to during study or mediation breaks!
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Review by: Sam Theiste, Writer @SamTheiste
Edited by: Andrew Perrizo, Owner/Editor @PlaylistTC
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